Australian Embassy

PC8 checklist

PC8 Checklist Form





1. Fully complete application form in black ink pen



2. All supporting documents are original (with official translations if not in English)



3. Proof of citizenship provided - Australian birth certificate or citizenship certificate



4. Foreign birth certificate (with official translation if not in English) for proof of gender and birth, place, plus name change documents for any name changes since birth - this applies to applicants born overseas only 



5. Proof of mother's maiden name - original birth or marriage certificate of your mother only if the maiden name is not shown on your birth certificate (with official translation if not in English)



6. Name change documents provided if the name to go in your new passport is different from your Australian birth certificate or Australian citizenship certificate name.



7. Photos checked for size and quality



8. Referee/guarantor has written on the back of one photo "This is a true photo of 'applicant's full name' and sign underneath. Make sure that the referee's signature at the back of the photo is the same as shown in section 11 of the application form

NOTE: The referee must be contactable during working hours



9. No whiteout or alterations on signatures/dates at sections 11, 15, 17 and 18



10. Correct payment - Please note that fees are adjusted on the 1st day of each month

NOTE: Payment is made by bank card or cash in USD only.



11. Previous expired or current Australian passport



12. Application to be lodged, in person, at the Australian Embassy in Beirut if you are living in Lebanon or Syria



for ADULTS APPLICATIONS you also need:



13. Correct Combination of Personal Identity Documents provided



for CHILD APPLICATIONS you also need:



14. Full birth certificate for child (with official translation if not in English) - the Embassy will not accept copies or extracts of an Australian birth certificate and commemorative birth certificates.



15. Both parents have given consent at section 15



16. Witness for both parents' consent must not be related nor living in the same household as either parent.

NOTE: Embassy staff cannot witness parents' consent



17. Lodging parent signed/dated declaration at section 17 (on behalf of child)



18. Children aged 10 and over signed at section 18



19. Child 16 years and over should attend the interview at the Embassy with the lodging parent.



19. All original court orders issued in relation to the child provided (with official translation if not in English)



20. Name change documentation for child provided if current name is different to birth name (with official translation if not in English)



21. Name change documentation for parents provided if current names differ from child's birth certificate - e.g. marriage certificate for mother (with official translation if not in English)



22. Personal identity document and proof of residency provided for the lodging parent





If you cannot answer "YES" to all items, please contact the passport office for assistance on 01-960632