All adult applicants (over 18 years of age) must provide one of the following three combinations of original documents to confirm their identity. Please choose either Combination 1 OR Combination 2 OR Combination 3.
Combination 1
□ One document from Category A, and
□ One document from Category B
Note: If neither, of these documents shows your current residential address and/or photograph, you will also need one document from Category C that shows your current residential address, plus one official document that includes your photograph
Combination 2 – (if you cannot provide Combination 1)
□ Two documents from Category B, and
□ One official document that includes your photograph
Note: If neither, of the documents shows from Category B shows your current residential address you will also need one document from Category C that shows your current residential address
Combination 3 – (if you cannot provide all the documents for combination 1 or 2)
□ Three documents from Category C that shows your name and current residential address, and
□ One document which must include your photograph and signature
CATEGORY A All Category A PIDS should be current at the time of the application |
CATEGORY B All Category B PIDS should be current at the time of the application, with the exception of the Australian passport |
CATEGORY C All Category C documents should be no more than 12 months old at the time of the application and show your current residential address. |
Note: Documents in Arabic should be translated into English by a sworn translator registered with the Syndicate of Sworn Translators. (If the sworn translator is not registered in the Syndicate of Sworn Translators, the document would then need to be authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants in order to be accepted by the Embassy).